International ExSIDE Doctoral Workshop
April 2 – 3, 2020


Call for Papers

The International ExSIDE doctoral workshop is organized by doctoral fellows with the aim to provide PhD candidates in economics at any stage of their doctoral studies an opportunity to present their research projects. The selected candidates will have a chance to discuss their work with peers and researchers in an informal atmosphere, exchange ideas about recent developments in their fields, and expand their research network.
The two-day workshop will take place in University of Surrey, which is an academic partner of ExSIDE program among others. Two keynotes will be given by distinguished scholars George Evans (University of Oregon) and Andrea Galeotti (London Business School).

The applications are now open. To submit your paper please consult the page on application process here. The submission deadline is 20th December, 2019. For practical details and additional information consult the following page.

Latest Research Results by ExSIDE Members

ExSIDE Video

Watch the project video

Individual videos of ExSIDE ESRs can be found here.

TED Talk

Watch the TED Talk by ExSIDE member David Tuckett