The External Advisory Board

The External Advisory Board (EAB) is composed of five highly accomplished personalities from the academic and non-academic sector, whose work and interest are closely related to the ExSIDE agenda. It will provide suggestions with respect to the research and training activities in ExSIDE and will participate in ExSIDE activities like the jamborees, the international ExSIDE conference and local training activities.


Jasmina Arifovic
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver

Seppo Honkapohja
Aalto University School of Business, Finland

Sheri Markose
University of Essex

Fernando Vega-Redondo
Bocconi University, Milano

Michael Woodford
Columbia University, New York

Latest Research Results by ExSIDE Members

ExSIDE Video

Watch the project video

Individual videos of ExSIDE ESRs can be found here.

TED Talk

Watch the TED Talk by ExSIDE member David Tuckett