ExSIDE Key Training Objectives …

  • Provide doctoral fellows with the necessary interdisciplinary background to and perfect environment to carry out research of highest level in the area of expectation formation and social influence.
  • Complement the focussed training in the key areas of ExSIDE with a solid general graduate education in Economics.
  • Facilitate the early development of an own research profile as well as the ability for critical reflection on own and others’ research.
  • Foster the interaction of doctoral fellows with different research environments as well as with non-academic environments and integrate them in the relevant international communities.
  • Provide doctoral fellows with crucial transferrable skills needed to pursue a successful career in the academic and non-academic sector or to launch their own company. In particular, time management, presentation skills, academic writing, effective communication, as well as the necessary self-reflection and management of self-confidence.
  • Facilitate female career perspectives.

Latest Research Results by ExSIDE Members

ExSIDE Video

Watch the project video

Individual videos of ExSIDE ESRs can be found here.

TED Talk

Watch the TED Talk by ExSIDE member David Tuckett